About Me

About Spencer Romberg
            I was diagnosed with Autism at the age of seven, so I think it’s fair to say that I’ve got a lot of experience under my belt with the subject. Over the years, I’ve struggled with a lot, whether it be my struggles with school, life, and just interacting with people. One egregious example that I went through was my first semester at the University of Wyoming where, after four years of what was arguably an easy high school experience, the difficulty curve spiked, and resulted in me panicking over grades, but I ended up learning to temper my expectations through the process and learned that college isn’t entirely about the GPA. Through these struggles I’ve learned how to handle my disorder, and now that I’m in college, that’s more important than ever.
            However, not all people on the autism spectrum are so lucky. Many do not even enter the workforce, let alone make it into college, despite being potentially smarter or as smart as many of their peers. Even worse, some who do get into college find themselves faced with a lot more problems regarding social skills, and for being alone for what might be the first time in their lives. I hope that, through this blog, many autistic students who are either struggling in college, or are worried about the potential struggles in college, will learn how to deal with their problems and ultimately come out of it better prepared or more ready to face the problems that currently face them.
            If you would like to learn more about how you can get past the problems I experienced in college, or if you want to know about getting into college in the first place, please stay tuned to this blog. While I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to release things on a consistent basis, the information released should be worthwhile.

            For more information on the blog and what I do, and what you can do, view the video below.

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